Any problems or issues can be made clearer with an image. But if you do not feel creative or intuitive expertise, it helps to know how to be effective. Learn 6 secrets for visual effects now
One of the most familiar image is an outline, such as a map of the United States. By applying the principles of mapping firm effective presentation of your business can be significantly more powerful
examine the use of an interactive map to show a three-panel view of the economy where you live
NPR is using the interactive map shows the percentage of foreclosures, billion unemployment and household income of District
http : / / storyId = 111494514 www storyId = 111494514.
What is particularly interesting in the screen display? You can immediately see the areas most affected by the recession. Similarly, where there is less fallout
Notify information available for the three color maps, figures, a brief explanation in words, and describe the sound. If you want to use visualization to explain your information, use these tips. Make best practices such as NPR, exist in your presentation
Tip 1: Provide a clear title
In this presentation , the title reads: Interactive map: Economics where you live.
title your presentation provide o verview to grant a whole subject, and for all three maps. This creates a consistency and a sense of security. You always know that you are looking for maps related to this concept covers
Tip 2. Sub structure
clear subheadings listed rate of foreclosures, unemployment, and household income The average family
overview of the structure easy to understand the words, all displayed in equal size and similar style. (If the business presentation is only used to the conventions!)
Tip 3. Provide a key
Explain your code in different colors, key words and numbers as appropriate. In this article, all three were used. This is used consistently in all three maps
Tip 4. Using a structure easily recognized
In this case, the map of the United States. Just about everyone will recognize the outline of America
Tip 5. Provide options
Viewers can choose to read, listen to audio, and click to display. Some of the screen to provide further detail to describe the image
Tip 6. Focus One hot topic
While you may be presented completely different data, focusing on how to attract attention. Most of the audience one thing on their minds. "What is happening that I should know about?"
In gender training, which is often called a This acronym stands for "me?" and is an easy way to remember that people are curious, "WIIFM." hunger and thirst for information that is focused on them without you
People want information that can help them understand the economic conditions. Use this knowledge to adapt your presentation to suit the interests of your audience. The important point is the title of the map, and your presentation to talk directly with your audience
When you communicate in a language everyone understands, displaying visual information and makes complex concepts easy to 'get' you're in the right direction
While you may not have a team of dedicated staff to do your research, you can use these tips. When you do, expect people to participate. These principles are repaired quickly and easily has the power to transfor m your business presentations.
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