Sunday, August 28, 2011

Video Is The New Post Card

Searching for affordable ways to connect with clients and prospects? Look no further. You're about to learn the fastest way to stay in touch is right at your fingertips.


First, let's face the big obstacle that keeps people away from video. Many people hate how they look on camera. Sure, you may notice that you could lose a few pounds. Everyone looks easily 10-pounds heavier on camera. And yes, you might wish you were 10-years younger. But, hey—you've got more experience. (If you hate how you look on camera, be sure to work with an executive coach.

You'll learn exactly how to be confident, fearless and poised on video.)


Now, back to video. More and more businesses are looking for affordable ways to stay in front of customers. As it turns out, the answer is right in front of you. Video.


Video is the ideal medium for visual storytelling. Whether you are using it to market a new idea, connect with clients, or communicate with your sales team, video is the way to go.


Market A New Idea

Want to test and market a new idea, product or service? Make a short video and attract attention. Post the video to your website. Send it out to clients. Ask for feedback.


Watch the comments and suggestions roll in.


Connect With Clients

Looking for a way to stay in front of clients? Make a colorful and attractive video. Send it out to your clients. Ask for comments. Include a link to schedule an appointment, or take a next step.


With today's technology, it's easy to connect the dots and help clients conveniently take action.


Communicate With Your Sales Team

Need to keep energy up and provide just-in-time training to your sales team? Everyone loves video. Send out fun and interactive tutorials. Include a contest. Up the challenge to encourage participation from all team members.


Using videos is well…an obvious choice for successful businesses.


Now, let's look at the details so you can guarantee success.


Remember paper post-cards? Well, it's safe to say that video is the new post card. It's the perfect tool to grab attention, connect with clients and prospects and stand out in a crowd.


While you're exploring new options for video keep just these 4 tips in mind.



Be precise and brief. Keep the viewer in mind. While you may have many things you'd like to cover, focus on a single message. Just like on a tiny postcard, short and focused messages are the best bet for video.



Stay organized. Show the big important ideas first. Your audience is busy and may not watch your entire video…unless it is focused, organized and a lot of fun.


Show and Tell

Be innovative in planning and performing in your video. Show ideas with pictures, props and examples. Tell in exact words why these ideas will make a difference for your client.


Track Results

Testing and tracking is the only way to know what works best. Test out new ideas. Then, track responses. For example, we sent out a hand-illustrated 1-minute video to busy training directors.


The video included hand drawn images and a simple story. A frazzled overloaded person learned the secret for staying stress free. What happened when we sent this out to crazy-busy decision makers?


We got a 48% response rate. Hmmm…that visual storytelling stuff really works.


What do these four steps spell? POST. In today's fast-paced market, it's all about gaining attention. That's why it's all about video. Video is the new post card.


Ready to win results? Are you giving exceptional presentations with video to boost your business?

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