The following is an adaptation from Helene Lerner’s ‘Our Power as Women’ published by the Conari Press.
According to Lerner, one’s constant struggle to remain perfect is a clear way of stifling any possibility for growth and cutting down on the natural creative instincts. Despite these visible drawbacks there are many who constantly strive to achieve perfectionism and this is attributed to their wish of measuring up to values set by others or because some set unreasonable standards on their own selves. Obviously this could be due to the general consensus that women of a professional stature are expected to perform twice as well as their male counterparts in order to succeed in life.
Despite what others say, being an overall perfect person is an impossible and unrealistic task for any one.
Discovering and progressing on a new skill or trade means that a person is vulnerable to make many mistakes on the way. However it does not mean that the person should avoid the challenge of this new accomplishment due to their adamant desire to remain perfect. career change for women might open new challenges.Helene Lerner declares being vastly empowered herself on the advice and recommendations made by her friends and also other sites for professional women in the same industry who suggested that she try writing natural flow of words rather that being restricted to perfect sounding sentences which does not portray her true writing style. Her creativity has surged with her gradually letting go of the need to be constantly perfect and grammatically correct.
The editing and perfecting can be done according to her once first lines of thoughts are put in to paper.The power that lies in trusting your own instincts and letting go of perfectionist tendencies is remarkable. Here are some of the things you can try that benefited Helene Lerner in shedding her perfectionist inclinations.
- Appreciate and understand yourself – By summarizing your own achievements on both personal and professional levels you will be in a position to understand and come to terms with what you are.
- Believe in the mantra that goes as ‘ I am enough, I have enough and I do enough’. -This will come to your aid when ever your perfectionism urge is trying to resurface.
- Compare yourself with only what is important to you and not with others who make you feel inferior.
Take a leaf out of Helene Lerner’s book and turn a new page in your own life by letting go of your unnatural perfectionism tendencies. Visit for more enlightenment.
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