Experts disagree about the exact definition of cloud computing, but most agree that it includes the concept of web-based services that are available on request, the optimum suppliers of goods and services high scalability. Although sound technical characteristics of it, it not only attracted to the excitement of the technology, but has captured the attention of business leaders around the world
2009 may long be remembered as the year of economic downturn worldwide. The impact on many industries, including IT, is devastating. And yet, even then, a bastion of hope in the midst of all crises. One of the most prominent analysts, Gartner, identified cloud computing as the main source of growth in IT spending, up 20% over global sales of $ 56B in 2009 and increased Top $ 130B in 2013 At Gartner conference in emerging technologies in 2008, analysts Daryl Plummer and Thomas Bittman a bold statement that: "To in 2012, 80% of Fortune 1000 companies will pay for some cloud computing services, and 30% of them will pay for infrastructure cloud computing. " In January 2010, Gartner predicted to be more specific and even more impressive: "By 2012, 20% of businesses with no IT assets"Unfortunately the task of determining cloud is more difficult than you might expect. It's not hard to find a definition of competent. Almost anyone interested in information technology have one. In fact, it is the root of the problem. Everyone has a different definition of cloud computing. For example, some definitions were circulated in the blogosphere, including:
451 Group: "The cloud is IT as a service , provide the resources independent of location " Gartner: " Cloud computing is a style of computing that can IT-related features massive expansion is provided 'as a service over the Internet to customers outside Forrester: "A pool of abstraction, high scalability, and management infrastructure capable of hosting the application of the end customer and billing by consumption"Wikipedia: "A style of computer resources including automatic scalability and virtualization is often offered as a service over the Internet user does not need to have specialized knowledge or control infrastructure in the cloud technology to support them. "
of the 20 definitions found for cloud computing, the concepts can be assembled into:"A large pool is easy to use and access of virtual resources (such as the development platform of hardware and / or services) These resources can be automatically dynamic reconfiguration to adjust the variable load (size), allowing for an optimal use of resources. pool resources are often exploited by a model of pay-per-use which guarantee provided by the suppliers of infrastructure facilities of customized SLAs "
.The most important consideration for any IT manager is not whether a potential solution to meet the definition of cloud computing, but rather whether it adds value to the enterprise. A cloud computing solution based not increase revenue or reduce costs is less concerned. And not a complete solution-oriented cloud computing is not clear improvement bottom line should be done regardless of the name you use to label it
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